West Coast
Swallows are a friendly little animal in every sense, and are one of the symbols of Portugal. They like to travel, choose a partner for life, always return to the same nest each spring, and only leave it when all the chicks have flown away for good.
More Stories
#20 Finding love. Falling in love.
Squeezing Grandparents, Uncles, Cousins and Friends. Hugs, kisses and more hugs... (we're very physical).
#19 The power in you
After a lot of thought, and contacting the respective parts of our professional anchors in Portugal, we are going to extend our stay by another year. When we presented the proposal to the family team, the reaction was immediate.
# 18 Land of the free, home of the brave
I've always loved anthems. Despite the warlike tone, I always found it amusing to hear emotional players before matches chanting a kind of motivational speech for the match.
#17 If you laugh if you cry...
My birthday dinner was different from usual, but it was also delicious. We had two large families together in our cute little corner, and although we didn't have chairs for everyone, we were very comfortable.
#16 Never worse but never better
The phenomenon has already taken hold of this family, and although they won't admit it, the truth is that we have two Swifties in the house. And a loyal fan. I like it more and more myself, I must confess. We found Wonderland...
#15 Solo walking at night and opportunities
We picked Mercedes up from the bus when we arrived at the OSS (Outdoor Science School) camp and when we saw her with a big smile, it was heaven. She hugged us and the first thing she said was: "Mommy, I did a solo hike in the night"...
#14 Palm trees and white peaks
Diversity is what best defines California, it seems to me. Of cultures, landscapes, possible experiences, flavors, fauna and flora, the open-mindedness of those who live here...
#13 Embracing the unknown
I remember when I was 13, when we moved to another school district, I convinced my parents not to change schools or swimming clubs, so that we could continue with what we had known until then.
#12 The value of things
The international family enthusiastically organized to welcome us at 7 both in Chicago and Canada, and we bought the trips convinced that despite being a very expensive time of year, the value of Christmas as a family was well worth the investment.
#11 Giving Season
At this time of year maybe we'll all be a bit Merry and Bright, or at least there'll be a global attempt to integrate the spirit and be more generous.
#10 Thanksgiving and one of the 7 wonders of the world
With life happening in the fast-moving wheel that it is everywhere, I must confess that I love this moment of pause when American families come together to give thanks on Thanks Giving. Being grateful must be one of the most important cultivable virtues.
#9 Halloween, Friendsgiving and Christmas
Since August we've had pumpkins and bats everywhere, and it goes without saying that the preparations for October 31st in the afternoon, from the supermarket, to the decorations in each house, the nooks and crannies of the streets of Seal Beach, etc., promised a big party in every sense.
#8 Amazing and Distressing
Even if it's for the better, even if it's temporary, even if it's far away or close to home, to our loved ones, to everything. Change is hard. It always means leaving your comfortable surroundings and adapting to everything new.
#7 days no
And when the video call suddenly arrives on the other end, and the longing for a tight hug, an unhurried conversation without an appointment becomes real, you apologize for the quick hang-up, for the discomfiture, or for the crying while staring at a screen in the middle of the street.
#5 Avocados and passion fruit
Every once in a while, when I blur my lines, I remember that this all started because I came here to work! And when I remember that, it's also a mixture of excitement and butterflies in my stomach, because I make to-do lists every day, and it's rare that I eliminate all the points.
#4 Enjoying the ride
When we landed after having managed to embark on this adventure, and tried to get around the challenges that came our way, worry and breathlessness became a constant.
#3 Hilary and the first week of school
Wind, rain and excitement. End with a hot chocolate.
#2 Ready. Set. Go.
I'm here to report on this week full of news to see if I can calm down.